Monday, May 19, 2008

starting out.

Well, I just thought since we are moving to Portland Oregon soon, maybe I should start a blogger to keep everyone updated in a easy way. I am still trying to figure out this whole thing. Please continually check this site every now and then . I will try to update everything and let everyone know how we are doing.

We are soon to be moving out of our apartment and into the Malans home, until we allm both families, move to Oregon in August. We don't have any jobs yet or a place to stay but if it is what Heavenly Father wants us to do it will work out. Ihave one more week left of work . Then Joe and I will will get a summer job and Joe will get a second job.

Corrinne is busy as ever, and mishchevious too. as you can tell.
She is also very talented on the piano. she is going to be a concert pianist someday. It is her one dream. Well until next time!!


Johanson family said...

Corrinne is adorable! Good luck in Oregon! I'm excited to hear from you guys and to be able to keep in touch more.

The Mortensen's said...

Corrinne is adorable!!! Good to hear from you Keri! In case I haven't told you, my blog is:
It'll be great to keep up with you guys through the internet world! Good luck with all!

Melissa said...

Hooray, welcome to the blogging world! I will always check in on you guys, especially when you move

Daddy H said...

Great Blog but it won't replace seeing you guys in person.


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