Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here is a viedo of Corrinne Singing . Plus I want to see how to make this video thing work!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

At Last

it has been a while since I published anything on here. I've been busy. Just an update of what is going on here. I quit my job at Small World Learning Center and Now I am working for a program called CAFE (Child and Family Enrichment) Its an after school literacy Program for Grade School and I am teaching 2ND Graders. I am totally loving it. Perfect hours too.

Joe is as always busy at work, and I don't get to see him much. He might be looking for a new job, but he is kinda unsure of what he wants to do.

Halloween was a lot of fun, Corrinne loved her costume, and asked for candy at the Trunk or Treat Party for our ward. It was a alot of Fun . Corrinne turn 2 on October 26th, and She got a dollhouse which is her favorite toy now. Her new saying is "I'm a scary Lion ROAR" Corrine is really into playing pretend. She climbs into a box and pretends to go somewhere. Last time she was going to work. i asked her where she worked she said at School.

I hope you all enjoy the pictures!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Life in Oregon

Well, We've settled in and stuff, and things are very rough. It is hard getting used to things and the whole money thing. We are pretty broke. Joe is working all the time, I am not joking. He is work about 12-16 hours a day and doesn't get paid extra for all the overtime. I 'm having to work. I am working at a preschool, but I am finding out that it will not work out for me. Taking too much time away from Corrinne. I am going to try and work at a subway or soem retail that might be more flexable or I can work in the evening so I can have more time with her. If you have any ideas how to get some extra bucks while I can still be with Corrinne that would be great. We do enjoy the area and the life here, We have met some good friends here in our new ward. I hope they don't get too annoyed with us becausewe call them alot to do things together. They are really cool and we all have alot in common.
The pictures here are from when Corrinne and I went on the train with Adrienne and Kassidy and went to and art show in the Pearl. We listened to the Balkin music and we dance, hence Corrinne dancing. She's got the moves. the last picture is of Corrinne and I at the Multonmah Falls again. Notice Joe is never in any of the pictures, because he never has any time to do anything for himself or see Oregon. I hope things get better for him.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We're HERE!

We are Her in Oregon and it wa a big move and alot of work, but I am glad it is over with. We seemed to be pretty setlled well, and ready to move on with our lives. Corrinne is adjusting very well, She seems to like our new place. She has her own room, and a playhouse (the storage under the stairs). She likes to yell in the house, "Mommy where are you?" Since it is so big, its hard to find each other.

Joe got his dream job. He is the Pastry chef over in Corbett (20 minutes from here) It is called The View Piont Inn it is a four star resturant and it is going to be a lot of work for him and it will greatly challenge him. He feels humble to have a job like that but I know he can excel more than he dreams to. You can check out the place http://www.theviewpointinn.com/ . It is close by Multnomah Falls (one of the Largest waterfalls in the US)

I am trying to get a part time job at a preschool, it seems like I have agood lead, but we'll see. Our ward here is fabulous. They are all very friendly. It is so very beautiful here, everywhere,and the weather is superb.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Camping at Wolf Creek

We had a blast. This camping trip was the best ever. This year Corrinne was walking and talking and saying "What's that?" all the time. She earned the nick name dirt ball. She was literally rolling in the dirt. It was great. No bears this year. We had fun hiking and swimming in the resevior, and just being lazy too. I went on a motorcycle ride with my dad and Joe. I Rode on Dad'ds bike because I feel safer with him. No offense Joe, but you just got your license. It was beautiful.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Motorcycle and summer fun!!

Joe finally got his motorcycle and he is doing very well on it. No accidents yet, so that's good right? Corrinne Loves to sit on the motorcycle and pretend to ride it. Here we are doing our silly face. Just click on it if you want to see it bigger.
Joe and I were on a hike on his day off , over by Mormon Immigrant trail. It was fun. We found these huge dandelion puffs.
Corrinne likes to pretend to be a baby, (even though she is not one anymore) She climbs into Emma's bassinet and grabs the pacifer and has fun.
Then there is always her Rambo impression...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's day!!!

Corrinne wishes all those lovely fathers a Happy Father's Day!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Emmalynn Christine Salls

Julienne (Joe's Sister) just had her baby. After about 26 + hours of ;abor including 2 hours of pushing she had the baby cesearan . She is 9 lbs. 1 oz. 21 inches long. Beautiful as you can see. These pictures are taken through the nursery window, just minutes after her birth. Congrats to Julienne and Rodrick, what a great job Julienne did!! We love her!!!!

Corrinne's first mini golf.

Corrinne is a pro already. We had a blast playing miniture golf. She got all hole in ones, of course, they way she got them is a little different then how we normally play the game. I was trying to get her to hit the ball with the putter, but she screamed at me everytime. She just was content holding on to her golf club and ball. We had a blast.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Swim Party

We are over in Sacramento, stay with the Malans and today we had a swim party. Corrinne , Kassidy, and William, even Kyle had some fun in the water. Corrinne kept on going in and out of the pool and spilling all the water out. They also had fun using the bike pump to fill the pool up with air. It was a fun day.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Wanna Piece o' Me?

What.... You lookin at me? Wanna Piece o' Me?
We really enjoy all the wonderfully funny faces that Corrinne makes and luckily we are able to catch about a quarter of them on camera.

We are living in Sacramento now with the Malans. It will take a little bit of time to get used to it, but we think it will be a good move for us.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Missouri Trip

In April, Joe, Corrinne and I flew to Missouri to visit our best friends The Fields family. We had a grea time. We visited the Precious Moments Chapel where we saw lots of cool figures and cool cute things. We really enjoyed spending time with geat friends. The climate was different and there was alot of flat land and not as many trees as Sacramento, it had a different kind of beauty.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Corrinni rin

I lost some pictures of Corrinne's birth and finally found them, wasn't she cute? Look how she has grown.

The picture of Corrinne smelling Auntie Shell's flower is at a wedding for my sister's friend, Michelle.

Then I caught her making a silly face . The picture of her eating a cupcake is when she won the cake walk at my work's fundraiser. I work at a preschool, and we had a spring fair . She loved it. She wouldn't leave the bounce house, Literally had to drag her out .

Monday, May 19, 2008

starting out.

Well, I just thought since we are moving to Portland Oregon soon, maybe I should start a blogger to keep everyone updated in a easy way. I am still trying to figure out this whole thing. Please continually check this site every now and then . I will try to update everything and let everyone know how we are doing.

We are soon to be moving out of our apartment and into the Malans home, until we allm both families, move to Oregon in August. We don't have any jobs yet or a place to stay but if it is what Heavenly Father wants us to do it will work out. Ihave one more week left of work . Then Joe and I will will get a summer job and Joe will get a second job.

Corrinne is busy as ever, and mishchevious too. as you can tell.
She is also very talented on the piano. she is going to be a concert pianist someday. It is her one dream. Well until next time!!

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