Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Life in Oregon

Well, We've settled in and stuff, and things are very rough. It is hard getting used to things and the whole money thing. We are pretty broke. Joe is working all the time, I am not joking. He is work about 12-16 hours a day and doesn't get paid extra for all the overtime. I 'm having to work. I am working at a preschool, but I am finding out that it will not work out for me. Taking too much time away from Corrinne. I am going to try and work at a subway or soem retail that might be more flexable or I can work in the evening so I can have more time with her. If you have any ideas how to get some extra bucks while I can still be with Corrinne that would be great. We do enjoy the area and the life here, We have met some good friends here in our new ward. I hope they don't get too annoyed with us becausewe call them alot to do things together. They are really cool and we all have alot in common.
The pictures here are from when Corrinne and I went on the train with Adrienne and Kassidy and went to and art show in the Pearl. We listened to the Balkin music and we dance, hence Corrinne dancing. She's got the moves. the last picture is of Corrinne and I at the Multonmah Falls again. Notice Joe is never in any of the pictures, because he never has any time to do anything for himself or see Oregon. I hope things get better for him.

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